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Class description/modalities

  • Hybrid—a blending of synchronous in-person and asynchronous online modalities
  • IVC (Interactive Video Class)A synchronous delivery using web video technology. The class has a scheduled meeting time, with Canvas as the class location providing learning materials and links to join the class video meetings.
  • IVC-Hybrid—class is a mixture of in-person, and synchronous online interactive video modalities.
  • In-Persona campus-based fully in-person class with a scheduled room and meeting time
  • Onlinea class facilitated online, primarily through Canvas, with greater than 80% of the required  learning activities taking place asynchronously. An online class does not have required locations or meeting times; although, regular, substantive instructor / student interactions are an expected part of the teaching and learning process.
Each class in a student's schedule should include one of these descriptions/modalities.


Last Updated: 8/25/21