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Academic Advising Center: The Academic Advising Center provides general academic advising for entering students until they are accepted into a major and also assists all students with general education requirements.

Academic Calendar: Provides important calendar dates for a specific semester.

Academic Career: Identifies a student's academic status at the university, e.g., undergraduate, graduate, law, medicine or noncredit.

Academic Plan: An area of study within the academic program referred to as a student's major and/or minor, e.g., Biology, Finance or Film Studies.

Academic Program: College offering the academic plan, e.g., Social and Behavioral Science, Fine Arts or Business.

Academic Sub-Plan: Area of further specialization within an academic plan, e.g., journalism is a sub-plan of Communication.

Applied: Degree status once a student has submitted a graduation application to the Registrar’s Office.

Appointment: Registration date and time assigned to a student, by class level and the number of hours completed at the university.

Audit: Enrollment in a course for information only. Normal tuition is assessed, however, no credit is given.

Awarded: Degree status when a degree has been posted for a student.


Catalog Number: Identifies the number of the course, e.g., Writing 1010.

Catalog Year: The set of requirements in place at the beginning of fall semester and running through the end of the following summer semester.  Indicates when a student declared his/her full major or a more recent set of requirements to be used for graduation clearance.  Students may choose to use the current catalog requirements or a catalog year that was in effect no more than four (4) years prior to graduation.  

Census: An established date each term that the enrollment count is taken for reporting purposes. At the University of Utah, the census deadline is the fifteenth business day of the term.

Class Number: Four to five digit number used to register for a course.

Class Roll (Roster): A list of the students enrolled in a particular class.

Co-requisite: A course(s) that must be taken concurrently with or prior to another course.

Commencement: Graduation ceremony held annually at the conclusion of spring semester in which degrees are conferred en masse by the President of the University.  The entire graduating class processes into the auditorium and the commencement address is given.  Attendance at the ceremony does not guarantee degree completion.

Component: Type of course instruction, e.g., lecture, discussion, correspondence, seminar, special topic, workshop, etc.

ConvocationGraduation ceremony for each college, in which students are individually acknowledged.

Continuing EducationContinuing Education offers credit, noncredit, and professional courses covering a wide range of topics. Areas within Continuing Education include Lifelong Learning, Independent Study, Telecourses, Youth Education, Preparatory Courses, Professional Education, House Bill 60, The English Language Institute, Computers & Technology, and certificate programs.

Credit/No-Credit Option: A grading option that allows students to enroll in selected courses outside their academic plan without the pressure of competing for a letter grade. The student either receives a CR grade in place of grades A through C– or the grade NC in place of grades D+ through EU. Student may elect a total of 15 credit hours during their undergraduate career to receive a grade of credit or no-credit in place of a letter grade.

Credit Hour Maximum: Undergraduate students may register for a maximum of 19 credit hours during their appointment period. Additional courses may be added during open enrollment up to 24 credit hours through Campus Information Services. Graduate students must contact the Graduate School for approval to register for more than 16 credit hours.

Credit Hours (Units): The quantitative measurement assigned to a course, generally stated in semester hours or quarter hours.

Cross-listed Course: A set of courses listed in multiple departments or under multiple catalog numbers, but which have the same curriculum across.

CR/NC Option: Enrollment in a course without competition for a letter grade.


Degree Audit: A tool utilized to generate a report that evaluates a student’s progress towards a degree.

Degree Status: The state of a student’s degree in the graduation process.

Denied: Degree status when a student did not complete all requirements for a specific term for graduation.

Department Consent: Used to restrict enrollment for a specific class. Permission number from the department is required to enroll.

Discontinued Career: When a student has missed more than the allowable number of semesters, he/she is not eligible to register for classes.  He/she must reapply through the Admissions Office in order to take credit classes.

Drop: Classes that are deleted from a student's academic record; no tuition fees are assessed.

Duplicate Course: A course which was taken at both the University of Utah and another institution.  Only credit and grade from the University of Utah will be applicable for graduation requirements.


Emphasis: a program of study within an established degree that enables a student to focus on courses in a particular field within a degree program.  The emphasis pursued appears on the student's transcript but not on the student's diploma.


Fee Match: A policy that drops students from their classes when they have not paid tuition by the tuition deadline.

Fifth Year Senior: A student that has received a bachelor’s degree and is returning for a second degree in another area of study.

Final Statement or Statement of Completion: A letter indicating a student has completed all graduation requirements prior to the end of the graduating term.  Only issued for the current semester.

First Session Classes: Classes taught during the first half of the semester.

Freshman: The class standing assigned to undergraduate students who have completed 0-29 semester credit hours towards graduation.

Full-Time Status: Undergraduate students qualify for full-time status when registered for 12+ credit hours in a given term. Graduate students are normally considered full-time at 9+ credit hours. For more complete information regarding full-time status for graduate students, see the Graduate Handbook.


General Assignment Space: Rooms that are used by the Scheduling Office to schedule sections and events.

Grade Point Average (GPA): Calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the overall hours completed for a grade.

Graduate Student: An individual who has been accepted into a Master’s or Doctoral degree program.

Graduation Reapplication: An application for students who have previously applied to graduate and will not or did not complete all requirements in the specified term.

Graduation RenewalA change in graduation date to a future term for first-time applicants.

Green Late Add Form: To add a class after the add deadline through the census deadline, the instructor's signature is required on a green late add form. Late add forms can be obtained from the Registration/Records Division, located on the second floor of the Student Services Building, window 13.


Half-Time Status: Undergraduate students must be registered for 6 -11 credit hours in a given term to qualify for half-time. Graduate students are considered half-time if registered for 5 - 8 credit hours in a given term.

Holds: A hold is placed on a student's academic record for failure to meet university obligations such as payment of outstanding fees, university standards violations, etc. Some university services may be withheld until all obligations are met. Holds may also be placed to require students to seek academic advising assistance.

House Bill 60: Available to Utah residents 62 years and older. Credit classes may be audited for a fee of $25 per term, plus any special fees. Course exceptions include classes with major edits, writing classes, upper division business classes, and graduate courses.

House Bill 211: Teachers in the State of Utah may receive a tuition waiver for courses that satisfy professional development requirements to retain a license to teach. Applicants must meet certain eligibility requirements to receive this benefit. Eligible candidates are assessed an administrative fee of $100 per semester, plus special fees.


Incomplete (I Grade): An incomplete grade may be given for work not completed in a course due to circumstances beyond the student's control. The student must be passing the course and have completed at least 80% of the required course work.

Independent Study: Continuing Education offers classes that are not tied to semesters. Students may begin a class at any time and take up to nine months to complete the course.

Instructor Consent: Used to restrict enrollment for a specific class.  A permission number from the instructor is required to enroll.


Junior: This class standing is assigned to undergraduate students who have completed 60-89 semester credit hours towards graduation.


Lab, Quiz, And Discussion Sections:Components that may be linked to a course. Registration in a lab or discussion automatically registers a student for the lecture. A separate class number will be listed by the lecture when labs are not linked.

Leap Classes: Classes designed to provide new students with a solid academic foundation and the study skills needed to gain the most from their university education.

Leave Of Absence: Graduate students may postpone their studies for up to one year and the Leave of Absence request must be approved by the graduate student's supervisory committee and the Dean of the Graduate School. Undergraduate students who do not maintain continuous enrollment or fail to submit a Leave of Absence request must reapply to the university as a returning student through the Office of Admissions. 

Lower Division Courses: Courses numbered 1000-2999. Typically considered to be freshman or sophomore level.


Major: The student's primary academic area of study, e.g., History, Biology, etc.

Major Declaration: Students should be admitted to a major by the time they complete their sophomore year or after they complete their first year at the university, whichever comes first. To declare a major, students must meet with the advisor for that major.

Major Edits: Used to control registration in courses that are restricted to specific majors and /or minors.

Matriculated: A person admitted to the university as a degree-seeking student.

Meeting Pattern: Sets the day and times of the section.  Classes must follow standard time blocks unless an exception is granted.  Sections can have multiple meeting patterns.

Meets With: Identifies two class sections that meet in the same location, at the same time, with the same instructor.

Midpoint: The “half-way” point of the semester. The midpoint is different for first, second, regular and miscellaneous session classes. Students may withdraw until the midpoint of the course without the College Dean’s approval.

Military Leave: Students in the military may be granted military leave when they are involuntarily called to active duty.

Minor: The student's secondary area of academic study. A minor is an attribute to a degree and not an entity by itself. A minor can only be obtained at the same time that the student graduates with a major.

Miscellaneous Session: Classes with irregular start and end dates. Contact the Registration/Records Division (581- 8969) for information regarding registration policies and deadlines. See the Class Schedule for class start and end dates.


National Student Clearing House: A nonprofit organization that collects and exchanges educational data for participating institutions. The University of Utah uses the National Student Clearinghouse to verify student enrollment and degree information.

National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS): Courses in wilderness survival, leadership, and team building are offered through Continuing Education for university credit.

Noncredit Career: This academic career is used to register for a noncredit class.

Noncredit Classes: Courses numbered 0001-0999 are not offered for credit. Students pay a reduced tuition fee and no grade is given in the class.

Non-General Assignment Space: Rooms that are assigned to departments and are scheduled by the departments for sections and meetings.

Non-matriculated: A person who is admitted as a non-degree seeking student.

Non-Resident: Individuals who do not qualify as a resident of the state of Utah. Students who are nonresidents pay out-of-state tuition rates.


Online Courses (UOnline): A variety of courses offered by academic departments via the Web.

Open Enrollment: During the open enrollment registration period, all eligible students can add and drop classes. Non-matriculated and House Bill 60 students can also register during this time.

Orientation: This program is designed to help new students make a smooth transition to the University of Utah. All new undergraduate/transfer students are required to attend an orientation session before registering for classes.


Part-time Status: Undergraduates qualify for part-time status when registered for 6-11 credit hours in a given term. Graduate students are normally considered part-time at 5-8 credit hours.

Partial Withdrawal: When a student withdraws from one or more classes during a given term, but not all of his/her classes.

Personal Graduation Information: A link in Campus Information Services which displays a candidate’s information such as: major, degree type, term applied for graduation, diploma name and degree status.  Also links to other important information such as the Commencement/Convocation website.

Petition For Exception To University Policy: An exception to university policy is warranted only in cases involving unusual or extenuating circumstances that normally would not be faced by other students. Petition requests must be submitted within three years of the affected term(s) or prior to graduation from the university, whichever comes first.

Permission Number/Code: Four to six digit random numbers issued by the instructor or department to enroll in a specific course. Permission numbers are required when a class is full, after the first week of the term, or when the department has restricted enrollment.

Prerequisites/Co-Requisites: Requirements or coursework that must be completed prior to or in conjunction with enrollment in a particular course. If students have not taken the appropriate requisites, they may be required to withdraw from the course.


Reading Day: Preparation day for final exams. Regular classes and exams are not held on this day.

Repeated Courses: Students may repeat a course taken at the university as long as it is still offered. Hours earned in repeated courses may be counted only once toward graduation. The last grade received is used to compute the grade point average. Students must report repeated classes to the Registration Division.

Report Of Credit/Change In Final Grade Form: Used by departments to report a grade or authorize a change in grade on a student's academic record.

Residency: The Admissions Office classifies all applicants for admission as either residents or non-residents for tuition purposes. Students classified as residents pay in-state tuition.

Revoke CR/NC Option: Cancels the previously elected CR/NC option. Students then receive a letter grade in place of a credit (CR) or no-credit (NC) grade.


Section Number: Used to distinguish between two or more classes that have the same catalog number, e.g. Psychology 1010-001 and Psychology 1010-002.

Senior: The class standing assigned to undergraduate students who have completed 90+ semester credit hours towards graduation.

Session 1: Sections of classes that meet during the entire semester.

Session 2: Sections of classes that meet during the first half of the semester.

Session 3: Sections of classes that meet during the second half of the semester.

Session 4: Sections of classes that have miscellaneous (short term) dates during the semester.  For example, a section that meets for only one week during the semester.  Actual class meeting dates must be set with the Scheduling Office.

Short Term Classes: A course in which instruction is scheduled for a period of time shorter than a regular semester. Short term classes have irregular start and end dates. Contact the Registration/Records Division (581- 8969) for information regarding registration policies and deadlines. See the Class Schedule for class start and end dates.

Sophomore: The class standing assigned to undergraduate students who have completed 30-59 semester credit hours towards graduation.

Special Topics: Topics assigned to Seminar courses or Special Topic courses.  Must have a component of SEM or TPC.

Student Code:Defines student rights and responsibilities at the University of Utah.

Student Id Number: A unique identification number assigned to students in place of a Social Security Number.

Student Handbook: a resource and collection of important policy information most applicable to students.

Suppress Print: To restrict the section from being published in the online class schedule or class search.

Suspension: An involuntary separation of the student from the institution for academic or disciplinary reasons. Students with a GPA below 2.0 for three consecutive terms are suspended from the university. 


TBA (To Be Arranged): When class time and location are determined by the department.

T Grade:The grade given for thesis or independent work in progress.

Term Length Courses: Classes that are scheduled for the entire term.

Total Withdrawal: Withdrawal from all classes for a specific term.

Transcript: A copy of a student's official educational record at an institution of higher education.

Transfer: See the Transfer Student Glossary 

Transfer Summary: A list of courses taken at other institutions that may or may not be used to satisfy graduation requirements.


Undergraduate: An individual who has been accepted into a Bachelor’s degree program.

uNID: A unique identifier that allows access to U networks and resources. A uNID is created by substituting a "u" for the first zero in the student ID number.

Units: A measure of educational credit. One unit equals one credit hour.

Upper Division Courses: Courses numbered 3000-4999. Typically considered to be junior or senior level.

Upper Division and Graduate Courses:Courses numbered 5000-5999. Typically considered to be senior level. Graduate credit permitted for departmental majors.


Variable Credit Hours Or Units: Certain courses allow you to choose the number of credit hours within a specified range.

Verification: A written confirmation of student record information.


Withdrawal: After the deadline to drop (delete) classes, students can withdrawal from class(es) they wish to no longer attend and receive a grade of W. The W does not affect their GPA and the W will be permanent on their record.

Withdrawn: Degree status when a student has notified our office that he/she does not intend to complete a degree.

Workshops: Courses with irregular start and/or end dates. Different drop and withdrawal deadlines apply. Workshops and short term courses are Indicated In The Class Schedule By Start And End Dates. Registration Deadlines Vary For These Courses.


Yellow Late Add Form: A form used to add classes after the census deadline. Students must obtain three signatures; from the instructor, the department, and the college dean. Students are charged tuition plus a $50 late fee for each class prior to returning the form to the Registration Division.

Contact Us 

Office: 801-581-5808
Fax: 801-585-7860

Mailing Address

University of Utah
Office of the Registrar
201 South 1460 East, Room 250N
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9056

Campus Address

250N Student Services Building [MAP]

Contact Form

Last Updated: 10/17/22