Diploma Tracking & Replacement
Diploma Tracking
After review by the Graduation Division, diplomas are typically ordered within a week of your degree being awarded. If a hold on your academic record restricts the release of a diploma, your diploma cannot be released until the hold has been removed. Diplomas will not be issued until all financial obligations to the University of Utah have been cleared.
Once the diploma is ordered you can check on the status by entering your personal information at this link: https://www.michaelsutter.com/utah. Diplomas are mailed to your current mailing address in CIS. For those living locally, your diploma will most likely arrive within two weeks after your degree is awarded.
Diploma Replacement
University alumni may request a replacement or additional diploma from the Registrar’s Office, Graduation Division. Please note:
- The name on your diploma must be the same as on your University record. If needed, you may submit a Change of Personal Information form through the Registrar’s Office, Registration and Records Division prior to requesting your replacement Diploma.
- Graduates with more than one degree or certificate must fill out a separate form for each document. The cost for a Certificate, Undergraduate or Graduate degree is $30 for each copy or degree requested. Digital eDiplomas can be ordered for $5/each.
If a hold on your academic record restricts the release of a diploma, your diploma cannot be released until the hold has been removed. Diplomas will not be issued until all financial obligations to the University of Utah have been cleared.
- Diplomas cannot be ordered by a third party.
- If you graduated with a JD, MD or DDS degree please complete the Diploma Replacement Request form (PDF).
All certificates or diplomas for undergraduate or graduates degrees, please order using the button below.
Mailing Address
University of Utah
Office of the Registrar
201 South 1460 East, Room 250N
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9056
Campus Address
250N Student Services Building [MAP]