Academic Renewal
A currently enrolled undergraduate student may petition the Academic Advising Center for academic renewal. This procedure allows the student to request that his or her academic record be reviewed for the purpose of discounting University of Utah courses with a D+ or lower grade on the student’s academic record. The courses must have been taken seven or more calendar years prior to the request. If approved, the discounted courses will remain on the student’s academic record (and the grades received for the courses will be shown), but the discounted courses and grades received for them will not count towards total hours, cumulative grade point computation, or graduation requirements.
The renewal option can be used only once during a student’s undergraduate career. This procedure does not apply to graduate students or to students pursuing a second undergraduate degree.
- Obtain a copy of your university transcript on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building or an unofficial copy through the Campus Information Services.
- Meet with an Academic Advising Center advisor for assistance in understanding the impact on the academic record and progress. (Call 801-581-8146 to make an appointment).
- Complete the Petition for Academic Renewal form provided by an Academic Advising Center advisor.
- Submit the form along with the required documentation to the Academic Advising Center by the midpoint of the term in which the Petition for Academic Renewal is requested.
- Students will be notified via university email (Umail) once the petition has been reviewed. To verify if an approved Petition for Academic Renewal is complete, run a Degree Audit (formerly known as My Degree Dashboard) or view an unofficial transcript online.
NOTE: ALL eligible grades will be discounted from the cumulative GPA and the notation of “Academic Renewal” will be placed on the transcript after each approved course.
Mailing Address
University of Utah
Office of the Registrar
201 South 1460 East, Room 250N
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-9056
Campus Address
250N Student Services Building [MAP]