In Charge Person Duties and Responsibilities
- Identify yourself to event participants as the person who is in charge of this event.
- Free yourself from other specific duties so you are able to generally manage all aspects of the event.
- Keep a charged cell phone with you at all times.
- Maintain emergency response and facility maintenance phone numbers.
- Be available to handle all emergency situations such as accidents, spills on the floor and unruly participants.
- Be prepared to provide first aid to injured persons.
- Be prepared to conduct emergency evacuation if necessary.
- Provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.
- Answer questions regarding drinking water, access to rest rooms, parking, etc.
- Be prepared to cancel outdoor events in case of threatening weather or lightning.
- Comply with applicable food handling guidelines, noise ordinances, etc.
- Clean up following the event.
201 S. 1460 E., Room 40
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: (801) 581-7854
Office Hours
Mon 8am-5pm
Tue 10am-5pm
Wed 8am-5pm
Thu 8am-5pm
Fri 8am-5pm