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Miscellaneous Session Classes
(Deadlines for Courses with Irregular Start & End Dates)

Miscellaneous classes are given different add, drop, and withdraw dates, due to their classes being different lengths. Class deadlines are pro-rated based upon full-semester rules, determined by calculating 14% of the class meeting dates for the add/drop deadline and 50% of the class meeting dates for the withdraw deadline.

Students may withdraw from workshops, short term courses, or non-credit courses following the drop deadline for such courses only up to the midpoint of the class (as determined by the Registrar). Any withdrawal after the initial drop period will cause a “W” to be recorded on the academic record and applicable tuition and fees will be assessed for the class.

To determine the last day to add, drop or withdraw a miscellaneous class online, contact Registration and Records at (801) 581-8969 or

Note: Students in PRTL, PRTS, and PRTW classes will need to work with Registration and Records after the class has started to add, drop, or withdraw from the class. Drop date can be found on the class schedule within the class note of the individual class.

Once enrolled in a class, you can view the last day to drop and withdraw (see below screenshots) by logging into CIS and clicking on the Class Schedule tile. Click on the Deadlines Calendar icon for the miscellaneous class.

Miscellaneous Deadline button

The class dates will be listed and the drop/withdraw deadline.

miscelleous deadline screenshot

Last Updated: 8/25/21